Thursday, June 24, 2004


Listed below is a survey of the business establishments in our beloved town of Cabanillas del Campo, Spain:

- Six (6) bars.
- Four (4) banks.
- Four (4) anything-for-a-Euro shops.
- Three (3) beauty salons.
- Two (2) grocery stores.
- Two (2) video rental stores.
- One (1) Spanish restaurant.
- One (1) Argentine restaurant.
- One (1) Italian restaurant.
- One (1) male clothing store.
- One (1) female clothing store.
- One (1) baby clothing store.
- One (1) bread shop.
- One (1) driving school.
- One (1) English language institute.
- One (1) pharmacy.
- One (1) hardware store (whose stock of useful items is limited, to say the least).

From this list, we can make the following generalizations about the needs, wants and priorities of our town’s inhabitants (affectionately known as, “los Campesinos de Cabanillas”):

- Buying booze is three times more important than buying food, and six times more important than buying medicine.

- Licenses are only granted to restaurants representing countries with good soccer teams.

- Personal bank accounts are either very large (because most things in town cost only one Euro), or very small (because townsfolk can only afford things that cost one Euro).

- Enrollment in driving classes and English classes are roughly equal. Presumably, this is because Spanish student drivers are confused about the four-letter English word printed on those red octagonal signs.

- Men, women and babies are generally well-dressed, whereas children and teenagers roam the streets nude.


At 9:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sal, soy muy vago para buscar el significado de "booze". Una ayudita, porfa.

At 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Colega, eso significa alcohol en guiri.

At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought to run for Mayor? I see you are good at Maths. I myself have Maths anxiety but I promise I will visit Cabanillas to check your statistics.

At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a hotel or manger in Cabanillas del Campo?

I have some work to do there.


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