That's it. That's the answer.
What's the big deal about hemidemisemiquavers? Nothing, except that I used this word several times in my "Sal Comes Up for Air" post and only one of you noticed. I guess the rest of you use the term "hemidemisemiquaver" conversationally on a daily basis. Sorry...my bad.
And now for yet-another teaser!
I just returned from Chicago this morning (yes...that's twice in three weeks) and will soon provide all the details on..."Sal's Kitch-o-licious Tour '07."
I won't spoil the surprises, but I will tell you that the story involves 40 mph lawn mowers, Hamburger Helper and a large-mouthed bass smashing through a brick wall.
I knew what hemidemisemiquavers were (I just called them a sixtyfourth), but I guess I just didn't get why you were putting them in you "Sal comes up for air" post (or the later one for that matter).
Anyhow, I'll be looking forward to "Sal's Kitch-o-licious Tour '07." Getting hungry already :)
Hey, welcome back! Hamburger Helper and a large-mouthed bass?? Man, you always have the BEST time in Chicago. This should be good.
This better not supercede upcoming Ukapalooza in Chickago.
Nerd: Don't worry. Nothing about Ukapalooza has changed. My Chicago visits are without quota.
As for you other two, my Kitch-o-licious Tour '07 write-up will come just as soon as I find the energy. I already have the pictures downloaded and waiting.
I noticed... I figured it was just Sal being Sal. :) Hooray for Chicago!
Since you were in Chicago, shouldn't that have been a large-mout (drop the "h") bass? Or better yet...a smelt?
Look what you made me do, I looked it up in Wiki. "hemidemisemiquaver (British or "classical" terminology) is a note played for 1/64 of the duration of a whole note (or semibreve). It lasts half as long as a thirty-second note (or demisemiquaver).
Sixty-fourth notes are notated with a filled in oval note head and a straight note stem with four flags. The stem is drawn to the left of the note head going downward when the note is above or on the middle line of the staff. When the note head is below the middle line the stem is drawn to the right of the note head going upward. Multiple adjacent sixty-fourth notes may have the flags connected with a beam.
A similar, but rarely encountered symbol is the sixty-fourth rest (or hemidemisemiquaver rest, shown on the right of the image) which denotes silence for the same duration as a sixty-fourth note."
Crikey!? (That's British or 'classical' Terminology too)
Chicago again ... I feel very inadequate in the carbon footprint department when I think about you. Can I interest you in some carbon offsets? I promise I'll put the money towards a Prius.
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