(a) Honk your horn, pump your fist in the air and bellow a hearty, "Go for it, Fat Sal! Keep it up!!!"
(b) Drive across the median, roll down your car window and grab a heaping handful of cast-iron right buttock?
(c) Stop the car, ask if he needs a ride home, and then act surprised when he tells you, "Thanks, but that would pretty much defeat the whole purpose of my being here in these funny clothes and expensive shoes."
The answer couldn't possibly be (c), could it?
I mean...surely (c) could never happen in the real world.
Could it?
OMG! And you were on the right track to gain weight(BMI +0.000001)! Bad Sal! TBF's going to be very disappointed, you know. ;)
I´ve tried to do my training in Stonian countryside and got b) and c). So that makes countryside a twilight zone?
c), definitely c) - happens to me all the time and they simply can't fathom that I LIKE walking and am doing it on *purpose*.
And yeah, for heaven's sake take off those running shoes and eat a sandwich before you disappear! :-) (I'm just jealous. My BMI will never be made public)
The few times I've ever gone running, I've desperately hoped for c)!
My mom's cousin experienced b) when they were out bike-riding once as teens, but in the cousin's case, it was more "ample tush" than "cast-iron buttock." The way she tells it, I think my mom was actually a little jealous she didn't get goosed, but then, she's always been a beanpole.
Anyway -- When can I expect to look to the west and see a giant plume of smoke signaling your return to your native land? :)
He he, that must have been quite an experience. Has it happened more than once? We get loads of cyclists on the roads here, but now you mention it I never do see anyone jog
He he, that must have been quite an experience. Has it happened more than once? We get loads of cyclists on the roads here, but now you mention it I never do see anyone jog.
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