Tuesday, September 23, 2008


When I was a wee lad at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in Utica, NY during the early 1970s, my classmates and I were fed a steady diet of Coronet films.

Coronet films were produced, more or less, around the time that Howard Taft was contemplating a run for the White House. And they taught me important life lessons like...always stick with dad when using power tools. Or, don´t drink too much soda pop before bed. Or, how Billy keeps his body clean.

They also taught me that Thomas Jefferson Elementary School must've had a really, really paltry budget.

For years I've been telling people about Coronet films, hoping that someone...anyone...might leap to his feet and shout, "Coronet! OMG...you grew up with those, too?!!!" Instead, they crinkle their brows and mutter something about a revenue recognition meeting that they´re late for.

I was even starting to doubt my own memory when it hit me. YouTube! There might--just might--be a Coronet or two lurking in the bowels of YouTube.

Was there ever! I present an especially kitsch-o-licious nugget above. And no...it's not a parody. This is the stuff that made me what I am today.

Hat-making contest, anyone?

Thanks, but I think I'll go find that girl who was bobbing for apples on a string.


Thursday, September 04, 2008


The original, the best.