[It's Ok to be forty--as long as you do it with attitude.]
To be continued...
Observations on food, drink, sport, life and silliness in the US, Spain...and beyond! [Copyright © 2004-2016. All rights reserved.]
I'm diggin' the do-rag!
And I should point out, TBF, that this photo was taken with the Gorilla Tripod.
One of many.
Meh. When you can do that while playing The Stars and Stripes Forever on the uke, I'll be impressed.
I'm a couple months shy of 25, and I've NEVER been able to do that.
Even so... what Pam said. ;)
Hey, I'm doing the sleep meme as we speak (or type). I don't think my sleep habits are that weird, but other people might.
Oh it's ok to be anything as long as it's done with attitude!
I have tried to email you and it keeps getting bounced back! Even my Hotmail Account has attitude it seems!
I may open another account soon and try again! But in the meantime...
Hmm. I wonder how far down I'd get today. Haven't tried that in a long time. Maybe with some practise (and an attitude!) ;)
1. I remember a time when TBF was able to do this...believe it or not, for a big man he's pretty flexible.
2. I particularly like your curled toes...very Thai.
Keep the 'tude!
I love it!
Dude, you rock!!! That's the attitude. :)
Damn! I came in here tired and it hurt me looking at you doing that!!
Still, you can do it ... I guess you've got to flaunt it some.
Truly awesome, amigo. You make us (well, OK, me) feel so inadequate! Keep it up and you'll live to be 100.
You're not wearing your underwear on your head, are you? Not that there's anything wrong with that...
Nerd and Ång: Playing uke in a split is a piece of cake. More challenging is to finger with my left hand and strum with my right foot. That might require a bit more time and Ben-Gay.
Trac: My Yahoo mail address is working. You might try again. However, I agree that Hotmail is a heap of poo.
CSwiss: If you hurt yourself, I know where you can get a good deal on rehab equipment.
Mrs. TBF: After sitting in a sauna for thirty minutes, I'd bet that any Finn could easily drop into a split. Regarding my foot/toes positioning, you are very perceptive. I learned proper stretching technique during the period when I studied kung-fu as a teenager. Always point your toes up and back, and thrust out the heel. That's the key to getting the max value out of any stretch. It's a good habit that I haven't, to this day, lost. My foot position in the photo above was strictly auto-pilot. However...I'd say it's more Chinese than Thai.
Franje: Here's a word of advice. Do this in a bar, and you will definitely get a lot of attention.
Lady Di: If it hurt, then I wouldn't have done it in the first place.
Christina: The only people I want to feel inadequate are the teens and 20's that I watch sitting on their motor scooters eating candy all day. If you thought this photo got their attention, just wait for the next one. BTW...the do-rag is to keep the sun from burning the top of my head. I had just returned from jogging, and the top of my head is starting to resemble that of a Cappucino monk.
Better you than me is all I can say.
Awesome, good for you. I’m glad to see another 40 year old in great shape! Love your blog.
Ahh.. but the important question here is...
"What's that robot thing next to your picture frame in the background??" :O)
Oh yes and thanks to you, Sid insists on keeping a coconut in the house for as long as it takes to explode and I am quite scared! haha...
You go! Can't wait for the next installment!
Flutie: For my next installment, I have something in mind that's ten times harder and that nearly no teens/20's are able to do. To be honest, I was shocked that even I could do it. But...I need an assistant to take the photo. This one can't be done with a tripod and a timer. That's all the hint I'm giving. As soon as I find myself an assistant, I'll post it.
Trac: That's a little wind-up robot that my ex-mother-in-law gave me several Christmases ago. I loved its old school look, and have had it on my stand ever since.
Nice going, bendy dude! I can do that too, no warm-up needed. Bendy limbs are genetic.
Are you telling me you've already mastered Stars and Stripes Forever?
That pose is so kick ass! You look so POWERFUL - you make me want to work out or join a yoga class or pilates or whatever it is you do to look like that!
Are you going to kick the top of a door. Also not to nit pick but your hand needs to be turned some and the other hand needs tightened up. Oh by the way you still look amazeing. What ever happened to the CUDA.
call me back 317-5**-**** you do have caller id right.
Yes exactly....attitude and are speaking my mind...I am 22 but I can do the split two. hey!
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