Thursday, August 24, 2006


My scholarly dissertation on the Spanish liquor “Anis” is now published in The Spirit World.

Check it out by clicking here.


At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Sal,

I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and wanted to thank you for many an amusing moment.

Also thanks for your dissertation on Anís, I enjoyed it hugely. It also reminded me of the French drink Pernod, and with more notoriety and controversy, the at one time immensely popular Absinthe. If I reckon correctly there’s many an artist that has served absinthe as the meal itself and as it is legal once again, you might want to give it a try.

My favourite is to mix the anise-flavoured liqueurs with Coca-Cola, it gives it a wonderful liquorice taste.

Enjoy and keep up the good blogging!


At 9:33 PM, Blogger Mrs. TBF said...

As a fellow Italian...I beg to differ with you. In my world Sambuca would be offered after the meal.
TBF, sitting next to me and not wanting to make the effort to sign in has asked that I inquire as to how one "gets a gig" writing about liquor???? He is, afterall, an expert. Oh and btw...I am a bit of a liquor afficionado myself as the daughter of former liquor store owners (and I even lived above the liquor store until age 14).

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Sal DeTraglia said...

Hey Sra. TBF: Before a meal...after a meal...the important thing is that we drink. BTW...The Spirit World doesn't pay me enough to fact check. If my friend TBF wants a gig writing about liquor, I'll betcha The Spirit World would be interested. In fact, it's Editor is none other than our good friend Brenda from Culinary Fool. Just say the word...

Simsalabimsin: Thanks very much for your nice message. You've convinced me. I need a bottle of Pernod, and I need it now.

At 7:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We consider Sal's posts to fall into the fiction category therefore no fact-checking is necessary.

The Editor

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Sal DeTraglia said...

Isn't she the world's greatest editor?! That's why I love her.

At 1:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


TBF and Mrs TBF: Let me know if you'd really like to write about your consumption of spirits...

At 10:58 PM, Blogger The Big Finn said...

Culinary Fool -
We'll think about it.


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