Thursday, October 12, 2006


Duck, and cover!

My hormones have reached the four COCONUT level!

This is uncharted territory.

So potentially volatile, in fact, that I thought it prudent to have a guest artist decorate the fourth COCONUT. As such, I let my daughter do the honors.

Her COCONUT de jour is sort of a cross between Picasso during his Cubist period and Sally Field’s “The Flying Nun.”

You may or may not be relieved to learn that the four pictured above represent my entire inventory of COCONUTS. So...where does the adventure go from here? I have no idea. But I do know one thing.

If I don't start doing some *real* writing soon, you guys will drop me quicker than a $20 bill at a Las Vegas blackjack table.


At 9:56 PM, Blogger Di Mackey said...

Beautiful ... :) and I bet she had tons of fun too.

'Proper writing'?
I saw coconuts in the store today and thought ... 'Sal'. The power of advertising huh?

Lol. Thanks cobber, as one Australian might say to another.

At 10:46 PM, Blogger christina said...

Hey! Didn't you already use that post title last year??

Ines' coconut is the best one yet, of course. The baby bottle is a nice touch and I love the hair/hat/helicopter propellor/whatever it is.

And you KNOW that we're all going to keep coming back here no matter what you write. You're stuck with us, we're stuck with you. :-)

At 10:59 PM, Blogger Sal DeTraglia said...

Christina: Awww, jeez. You're right:

Already repeating myself, and I haven't even cracked 40 yet. Actually, I've repeated myself twice this week. "Send in the Clowns" is also a title in stereo.

Sorry...but not too sorry. Remember that I don't get paid for this gig.

And to quote Huey Lewis, "I am happy to be stuck with you [all, too.]"

Lady Di: "Cobber." Off to Google, I go!

At 10:07 AM, Blogger Di Mackey said...

Cobber ...

Did you find it?

It's like 'friend' or 'mate' ... one bloke might say, 'Thanks mate' to a friend ... 'cobber' ... same thing ... trailing off as I look at these strange words on the screen.

At 4:04 PM, Blogger Angie said...

Real writing is overrated. (Trust me, I know!)

We haven't had this much silly fun at the tapas bar since the Salivator days... or the haggis-bashing... who am I kidding, it's always fun here!

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, would the coconuts like to receive a Flat Body to work with next week? It is that time again - a little earlier than last year!


At 10:07 PM, Blogger Sal DeTraglia said...

Ya know, Lisa. I just did a Google search. And apparently...your tale of COCONUT terror is not unique.

Who would've thought that a sweet, innocent little COCONUT had a dark side.

Hmmm...perhaps there's a new post lurking in there.

At 12:18 AM, Blogger christina said...

Coconuts eventually explode?? Amazing the things one learns at the VTB.

This is getting weirder by the minute. But I like it. :-)

At 10:29 AM, Blogger CanadianSwiss said...

We'd never drop you, Sal. Even when you hear about the dark sides of coconuts...

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Trac said...

OMG - They explode!??

I'm worried about you now!

"Step away from the coconut... there is nothing to see here"


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